Posts Tagged humour

Funny video: Your guide to the anti-smacking bill

June 17, 2009

For your viewing pleasure, we present the following light-hearted look at the passage and implications of the Crimes (Substituted Section 59) Act 2007.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Note that this video was posted to YouTube in March 2008 as a university project well before a date was set for the referendum by a student, and contains a couple of inaccuracies:

  • The Timaru lady didn’t use a horsewhip, it was a riding crop, which is an implement used for whipping horses.  Just to be clear – we wouldn’t want people to think that we were exaggerating the facts.
  • You don’t need to worry about going to jail for lightly smacking your own child; no-one has been sent to jail for that.  On the other hand, if you smack your wife or your boss – watch out, there’s a future for you at Paremoremo.

Did you think this video was funny and informative?  Send it to your friends!

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