Posts Tagged attention seeking

Parenting Tip: Reward good behaviour

April 30, 2009

Take notice when your child behaves well, and reward them in a small way.

Much of the time kids misbehave, a large part of it is to attract attention.  Try though we will, most of us focus most intensely on our children when they’re behaving badly.  If we take the time to focus our attention on them when they’re not misbehaving then the won’t feel the need to be outrageous to get the attention they crave.  And when they go out of their way to be nice, be sure to give as much positive reinforcment to them as possible; reward them with praise, a hug, or a small treat in exceptional cases.  Result: better behaviour without the need for physical discipline.

Thanks to Dave Moskovitz for today’s tip!

Do you have a tip you’d like to share?  Please let us know below.


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