Audio: John Angus and Katrina McLennan discuss the need to retain the Child Discipline Law

August 24, 2009

Children’s Commissioner John Angus and Family Court lawyer Katrina McLennan were intereviewed on Morning Report today.  Key points:

  • The legislation is working well for children and parents
  • We’re not seeing lots of parents being investigated and dragged before the courts
  • The law has given assurance to children and says that violence against children is totally unacceptable, that they should be protected from assault the same as anyone else
  • The law has given legitimacy and reinforced bystanders getting involved where they see a parent assaulting their child, as in the Jimmy Mason case
  • The law will not end child abuse in NZ overnight, but it’s an important first step
  • Allowing smacking sends a message that violence is acceptable
  • The Police and Child Youth and Family are not unduly targeting parents

Katrina asks, is this about protecting children or protecting parents? Which is more important?

To us, the choice seems clear.

Listen to the Audio:

Plunket Barnardos Save the Children Unicef Jigsaw Ririki Parents CentrePaediatric Society Womens Refuge Epoch

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