The Yes Vote - NZ Referendum on Child Discipline 2009 The child discipline law six months after the referendum news Physical punishment still legal in schools in many states in the USA SKIP: What it is and why it works email your mp Mission Accomplished Free Poster: 21 practial alternatives to smacking Europe presses UK to introduce total ban on smacking The sixth police review: The Child Discipline Law is still working well Yet another review shows Family First has been misleading the NZ public The APS Parent guide to helping children manage conflict Latest Section 59 review says the law is working well Ending legalised violence against children worldwide – Global Report 2009 free stuff, posters and stickers New website for children Report on Sweden’s corporal punishment ban after 30 years “Research” shows that smacking is good for kids? Brian Rudman: Mob rule no substitute for democracy more info & downloads Free Booklet: A Theology of Children home Physical punishment of children and the Child Discipline Law contact us A personal tribute to Sue Bradford websites Kiwi families using positive discipline because it works Boscawen’s bill drawn – and quartered Children’s Commisioner: Boscawen bill not in childrens’ interests Research: Smacking makes children naughtier The Press: Referendum vote a fiasco Police publish two-year review of Section 59 Russell Brown: The son that got away faq Audio: John Angus and Katrina McLennan discuss the need to retain the Child Discipline Law Goff, Key stand firm on section 59 Psychology Today: Physical punishment is a serious public health problem Protocols review timely and appropriate Te Kahui Mana Ririki applauds parliamentary position on Child Discipline Law John Key announces Section 59 review terms of reference Report: Child abuse and neglect cost NZ $2 billion Updated – John Key reiterates: No law change history of the child discipline law Tapu Misa: John Key must hold the line Video: John Key’s press conference on the Child Discipline Law Time for real action on child abuse Dr Seuss referendum question clearly confused some people Deborah Morris-Travers on the cost of child abuse on TVNZ Breakfast A wooden spoon for Larry Baldock USA Religious Right funds Vote No Professor James Ritchie 1930 – 2009